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(if (< (/ @installer-version 65536) 43) (abort "You need new installer!") ) (set cpu (database "cpu")) (set muiver (/ (getversion "mui:libs/muimaster.library") 65536)) (set textfver (/ (getversion "sys:classes/gadgets/textfield.gadget") 65536)) (set nlistver (/ (getversion "mui:libs/mui/nlist.mcc") 65536)) (set defbrowser "Multiview") (set cpu (database "cpu")) (set #cpu -1) (set #badcpu 0) (if (= cpu "68020") (set #cpu 0)) (if (= cpu "68030") (set #cpu 0)) (if (= cpu "68040") (set #cpu 2)) (if (= cpu "68060") (set #cpu 2)) (set fpu (database "fpu")) (if (= #cpu 0) (if (= fpu "68881") (set #cpu 1))) (if (< #cpu 0) ((set #badcpu 1) (set #cpu 0))) (set #povdir (if (exists "POVRAY3:" (noreq)) ("POVRAY3:") ("") )) ; (set #badcpu 1) ; (set muiver 0) ; (set nlistver 0) ; (set textfver 0) (if #badcpu (if (= 0 (askbool (prompt "Do you have 68020 or better?") (default 0) (help "The installer detected, that you have processor worse than 68020." " Framsticks application requires 68020 or better.") )) (abort "Framsticks can't work on your system") ) ) (set #missing "") (if (< muiver 19) (set #missing (cat #missing "\n* MUI system v3.8 (C) Stefan Stuntz \n (latest version on aminet: dev/mui/mui38usr.lha"))) (if (< textfver 3) (set #missing (cat #missing "\n* Textfield.gadget v3 (C) Mark Thomas\n (latest version on aminet: dev/gui/textfield.lha"))) (if (< nlistver 19) (set #missing (cat #missing "\n* NList.mcc v19 (C) Gilles Masson \n (latest version on aminet: dev/mui/MCC_NList0.84.lha"))) (if (<> "" #missing) (if (= 0 (askbool (prompt (cat "You dont have following libraries:\n" #missing "\n\nDo you want to continue installation?") ) (help "The listed components are required to run Framsticks.\n" "You can continue installation and add these libraries later.\n" "(all the files are available on Aminet)" ) ) ) (abort "Some files are missing") ) ) ;(set @default-dest "ram:") (set #makedirhere (askdir (prompt "Where do you want to install Framsticks" "\n(directory 'Framsticks' will be created here)") (help @askdir-help) (default @default-dest) ) ) (set @default-dest (tackon #makedirhere "Framsticks")) (makedir @default-dest (infos)) (set #cpu (askchoice (choices "p68020" "68020+FPU" "68040" ) (prompt "You can install a version optimized for certain processor type. What processor do you own?") (help #askcpu) (default #cpu) ) ) (set #xtra-doc 0) (set #xtra-examples 1) (set #xtra-snd 2) (set #xtra-anim 3) (set #xtra-pov 4) (set #extras (askoptions (prompt "Select which extra files would you like to install") (choices "pHTML documentation" "Example species" "Sounds" "Transfer Animation" "POV-Ray Files") (help "Note: None of these files are required to run Framsticks. " "You can install it later by hand if needed.\n\n" "HTML Documentation - you need a HTML browser to use this\n" "Sounds and Transfer Animation - for your eyes and ears pleasure\n" "POV-Ray files - needed if you want to use POV Export function (available for registered users)\n" ) (default (if (= "" #povdir) 47 63 ) ) ) ) (set #whaticon (askchoice (choices "p2:1 resolution (PAL,NTSC)" "1:1 resolution (VGA)") (prompt "Which icon should be installed?") (help "") (default 0) ) ) (if (in #extras 3) (set #whatanim (askchoice (prompt "Which transfer animation should be installed?") (choices "pSmall (good for PAL,NTSC)" "Big (good for high resolution)") (help "") (default #whaticon) ) )) (if (in #extras 4) ( (if (= "" #povdir) (set #povdir (askdir (prompt "You wanted to install POV-Ray files. " "Where is your POV-Ray directory?") (help (cat "In order to work, POV-Ray files will be copied to " "'include' directory of your POV-Ray installation\n\n" "Proceed without selection, if you don't want to install these files\n\n" @askdir-help)) (disk) (default "") ) ) ) (if (= "" #povdir) ((message "\nPOV-Ray files installation cancelled!") (set #extras (bitand #extras 47)) ) ) ) ) (if (in #extras 0) (set defbrowser (askfile (prompt "Select your favorite HTML browser for Framsticks documentation") (help "The program you select will be launched when you click on documentation icon. A browser that supports frames is recommended but not necessary.") (default defbrowser) ) ) ) (copyfiles (source (select #cpu "Framsticks.020" "Framsticks.FPU" "Framsticks.040")) (dest @default-dest) (newname "Framsticks") (prompt "Copying main executable") (confirm) (help @copyfiles-help) ) (copyfiles (source (select #whaticon "files/hires-icon.info" "files/vga-icon.info")) (dest @default-dest) (newname "Framsticks.info") (prompt "Copying program icon") (confirm) (help @copyfiles-help) ) (copyfiles (source "framsticks.recent") (dest @default-dest) (prompt "Copying configuration file") (confirm) (help @copyfiles-help) ) (copyfiles (source "") (pattern "#?.sim") (dest @default-dest) (prompt "Copying simulator settings") (confirm) (help @copyfiles-help) ) (if (in #extras 0)( (copyfiles (source "") (choices "docs") (dest @default-dest) (infos) (prompt "Copying documentation") (confirm) (help @copyfiles-help)) (tooltype (prompt "Setting pathname of your HTML browser") (help "") (dest (tackon @default-dest "docs/doc_index.html")) (setdefaulttool defbrowser)) )) (if (in #extras 1) (copyfiles (source "species") (all) (dest (tackon @default-dest "species")) (prompt "Copying example species") (confirm) (help @copyfiles-help) )) (if (in #extras 2) (copyfiles (source "sounds") (all) (dest (tackon @default-dest "sounds")) (prompt "Copying sound files") (confirm) (help @copyfiles-help) )) (if (in #extras 3) (copyfiles (source (select #whatanim "files/small-transferanim" "files/big-transferanim")) (dest @default-dest) (newname "def_TransferAnimation") (infos) (prompt "Copying transfer animation") (confirm) (help @copyfiles-help) )) (if (in #extras 4) ((set #povinc (tackon #povdir "include")) (if (<> 2 (exists #povinc)) (makedir #povinc)) (copyfiles (source "files") (choices "alife.inc" "alife2.inc") (dest #povinc) (prompt "Copying POV-Ray files") (confirm) (help @copyfiles-help)) )) (set #endmessage "\nAuthors of Framsticks wish you a lot of fun with this program!" ) (if (<> "" #missing) (set #endmessage (cat #endmessage "\n\n...and don't forget to install missing files...\n" #missing "\n\nAny newer version is of course OK" )) ) (exit #endmessage)